A Good Indwelling Spirit

Posted by ortufte on December 4, 2020

A persons well-being is critical if one is to indeed, “flourish”. I know many people, including myself, who have unfortunately struggled with illnesses of one form or another, during which they sought relief through many different treatments. A pattern emerged over time. Whether successful or not, the data wasn’t clear or easy to remember.

“Which treatment did I take on that day? Were my symptoms suddenly gone or did it take a couple weeks for the treatment to work effectively? Which treatment caused adverse side effects? What does my wellness look like over time? What dosage/frequency of the treatment was most effective?

My final project for Flatiron seeks to help those who are in search of an effective remedy for their ailments. Whether it is chronic migraines, anxiety, lyme disease, cancer treatment side effects, etc. a user will be able to track their daily symptom level, treatment type, and any notes on a daily log. They will also be able to keep all of their treatments in their “medicine cabinet” with notes for each. This will provide a central location to track, reference, and analyze their symptoms and treatments.

Currently, my project meets requirements and is a good baseline for where I wish to take it. Central to my goals is a graph on the user’s dashboard showing symptom levels over a period of time. I would also like to revise the models to allow a user to have more than one ailment as well as track more than one medicine/treatment per log. There are several other things I would like to add or revise before ultimately deploying it, but I am hopeful that eudaimonia will become a comforting tool for people to rely on in the future.