Humanity Helps

Posted by ortufte on August 21, 2020

What is something you have taken for granted your whole life and only started appreciating recently? For me, it’s the ability to LEARN.

When I started the JavaScript module I was excited, only to become incredibly frustrated upon realizing that I wasn’t picking it up as quickly as I wanted to. Man I struggled (and complained). Now, after completing my project, the pieces of the puzzle fit! The language makes sense; where things belong, how things work…I am astonished I was able to get to this point after how confused I was in the beginning.

I have now learned HTML, CSS, SQL, Ruby, Sinatra, Rails, and JavaScript. As well as countless other technology related terms, tools, and principles. I am in awe of the human brain. I am now hours away from submitting my fourth project for Flatiron. It feels a bit surreal!

I have chosen meaningful topics for all of my projects, but this one is special. On May 25th, 2020; George Floyd’s murder was captured on video, and shared with the world. It’s no secret (nor surprise) that it sparked protests demanding justice and opened all of our eyes to the systemic racism engrained in our country.

While the peaceful protests continued for nights, a few sparked violence and destruction. The people living in those areas were suddenly without food, diapers, baby formula, medications, and personal hygiene products. The urge to help was felt by many but the details needed to actually BE helpful were evasive. At Costco people pushed carts piled high with supplies to donate, stopping frequently to talk with one another about where or what they were donating. Others were stopped by people wanting to help but having no idea how. Truth be told, it was chaos. There were so many donation sites but their schedules were inconsistent, and they were collecting too many of some items and not enough of others. This is where the idea for Humanity Helps came from.

This application will allow people to search for donation sites in their neighborhoods, they will be able to see when the sites are open, and what exactly they need. Those who are operating the sites can fill out a form adding their site to the database. I hope this will become a helpful tool for those facing dire circumstances during times of unrest.

At this point, it’s bare bones functionality. In the future I plan to add authentication for the donation sites so they can log in and update their schedule/requested items at any time. This will allow the sites to effectively communicate their needs and ability to accept help in real time. Neighbors helping neighbors, friends helping friends, humans helping humans.

…I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.